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What is Trimovate?

Trimovate cream is prescribed for patients with inflammatory skin disorders, such as dermatitis and eczema that have become, or are likely to become infected with either bacteria or the fungus known as candida. It works particularly well on areas of moist skin, which are more prone to infection, for example seborrhoeic dermatitis, nappy rash, or inflamed areas where skin rubs against other skin, such as between the thighs and between the buttocks.

A Free Consultation with our GP is available for this condition
On Diagnosis, treatments are sent direct to you
by our pharmacy using Next-Day delivery!

What active ingredients does Trimovate contain?

Trimovate cream contains three active ingredients, oxytetracycline, an antibiotic, which prevents bacteria from growing, clobetasone butyrate, a steroid, which decreases inflammation, and nystatin, an antifungal that kills fungi and yeasts.

What are the side effects of Trimovate?

All prescription medications have side effects and can cause different reactions in different people. Listed below are some of the side effects that are associated with Trimovate, though it must be noted that the majority of people who use this product will not have an adverse reaction to it. Possible side effects include:

  • Alterations in skin pigmentation.
  • Hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth).
  • Thinning of the skin.
  • A worsening of symptoms.

How to use Trimovate 

Trimovate cream should be used sparingly and spread thinly on the affected areas of skin.

Trimovate should not be used for:

  • Bacterial skin infections.
  • Athlete’s foot, candida, ringworm, or other fungal skin infections.
  • Chickenpox, herpes simplex or other viral skin infections.
  • Acne vulgaris.
  • Skin affected by Tuberculosis.
  • Acne rosacea.
  • Perioral dermatitis.
  • Widespread plaque psoriasis.
  • Certain bacterial skin disorders.
  • Certain fungal skin disorders.
  • Areas of thin skin or skin with broken veins.

Does Trimovate interact with other medications?

Trimovate does not interact significantly with other medications. However, if the cream is used for a prolonged amount of time on a large area of skin the body may absorb enough clobetasone to affect other medications in the body. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking other medicines.

Are there any other medicines available in the UK, apart from Trimovate, that contain the same active ingredients?

No, there are not. Trimovate is the only cream available in the United Kingdom, which has as its active ingredients oxytetracycline, clobetasone butyrate and nystatin. 

A Free Consultation with our GP is available for this condition
On Diagnosis, treatments are sent direct to you
by our pharmacy using Next-Day delivery!